FAA Reauthorization Bill Scheduled

DaveR writes "The FAA Reauthorization bill is heading to the floor of the House. You can see the full text by goint to http://thomas.loc.gov/ and searching for H.R. 2115.

This bill includes an improved appeal process for U.S. citizen certificate holders who have their certificates yanked under the infamous "pilot insecurity rule". It also includes a provision that provides for a $10,000/day civil penalty against anybody who closes an airport without notifying the FAA. This is known as the "Meigs Legacy" ammendment.

It's about time to call your U.S. Representative and let him or her know that you want them to support the measure as reported to the floor. Fax, email, or phone are better than snail mail. All paper mail is taking two weeks or more as a result of delay for irradiation processing to kill anthrax, etc.

These days letters may well show up after your concern is history. My feeling is that faxes seem to offer the best balance: they get there fast and there's a piece of paper for interns to hold and file."
Both optimists and pessimists contribute to the society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute. --George Bernard Shaw

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