MAC pushing local airports to complete pilot badging.

An anonymous source writes: "Pilots must have MAC ID by the end of this year in order to continue to have access to the [Worcester] airport. Please let everyone know."

The word is that MAC has communicated with the airport managers that they believe that enough time has lapsed for the complete implementation of the Pilot ID program. They are taking this very seriously and are suggesting that they may have to resort to punitive measures against airports that don't fully implement the MAC Pilot ID program. This might even include cut-off of funds, fines, or suspension of the airport operating certificate. The deadline for full compliance is December 31st 2003. So if you don't have your MAC issued Pilot ID yet, see your local airport manager. The implication is that Worcester might cut off access for pilots without the appropriate ID.

Here is the MAC Letter to Airport Managers

October 22, 2003

To: All Airport Managers

Re: Deadline for Implementation of MAC ID Badge Program

Dear Airport Managers:

Almost 2 years have passed since the MAC promulgated the requirement, through the Agency Directive, for airports to implement the use of ID Badges. Nearly 16 months have passed since the MAC has required the use of its state-wide ID Badge Program. Most of the airports are utilizing the program and have found it both efficient and effective in improving security.

At the September 17, 2003 MAC open meeting, I stated that December 31, 2003, will be the deadline for airports to comply with the Directive to implement the MAC's ID Badge Program. This is mandatory for all airports except those airports required to comply with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Regulation 1542. These five airports are also encouraged to use the MAC ID system, but are not required to do so.

Although it is not customary for MAC to assess punitive measures against airports for non-compliance, one or more of the following actions may be considered for those few airports who do not implement the MAC's ID Badge Program by December 31, 2003:

  1. Consider airport ineligible for grant funds until in compliance;
  2. Fine the airport for a civil infraction of a state-wide directive; and/or
  3. Consider suspending airport operating certificate until in compliance.

It is my strong desire that the MAC will not need to resort to any of these measures.

If any assistance is needed in implementing the ID Badge Program, please do not hesitate to contact Long Nguyen, MAC airport engineer, at (617)973-xxxx.

Sincerely yours,

Arthur G. Allen, Chairman
Somebody said that carrier pilots were the best in the world, and they must be or there wouldn't be any of them left alive. --Ernie Pyle

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