Barany Chair at the 1/15 Safety Seminar

The January 15th Safety Seminar will cover Spatial Disorientation, and will demonstrate this with the Barany Chair. In our flight training, we are taught about vertigo, but may not have ever experienced it, even with aggressive "Unusual Attitude" recoveries.

The Barany Chair can demonstrate several types of vertigo. You can read more details on the NASA web The seminar on the 15th will give you a first-hand opportunity to experience Vertigo.

Update: 1/18/04 - We had a good turnout on a very cold night. The chair was quite an experience, delivering an intense feeling of tumbling. Hopefully I'll never experience this in flight. Everyone who wanted to experience "The Chair" had the chance, and it was an entertaining seminar.

Reminder: The meeting will be held a the American Legion Hall on Mill Street, at the foot of airport drive.

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