TFR in New Haven, CT Sunday May 23, 2004

FAA has announced a TFR in New Haven for Sunday May 23, 2004. Check with Flight Service for up-to-date information. Here is a graphic of the restrictions that was made available by the FAA:

You can get all the details including a full-size image at the FAA TFR Website [Ed. TFR has been removed from the FAA Site]

Bob Martens also reminds everyone that: "The FAA has created a national information system for keeping the aviation community informed of upcoming safety seminars, workshops, etc. Please sign up yourselves and help disseminate the website. Sometime soon, the FAA will discontinue mailing this information to certificate holders.

As of today we have 5800 airman signed up, we have approximately 45000 airman in the New England Region."

You can register for safety information at the website

"I didn't crash the plane. I simply relocated the aircraft with extreme prejudice, after a complete loss of lift and thrust functions!" -- H.M. "Howlin' Mad" Murdoc, The A-Team

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