Question as seen on the AOPA web board.

Alex Kittenplan writes "The following question was seen on the AOPA web board "

Any CFI[I]s want to chime in?

Can you log IFR training while on your VFR solo cross countries and have it count toward your IFR rating? I have heard that you can count up to 17 hours this way. 20 - 3 solo cross country hours.


[Ed. To find the thread, log into the AOPA Web board. The guest account will work. This will get you a cookie, and only then will the next link to the whole thread: IFR training while post solo VFR student actually work.

And we wonder where the "... no old bold pilots" expression comes from. At least he asked.]

Note: In this archived story, all of the links to the AOPA message board were dead. AOPA has since changed their online systems.
Death is just nature's way of telling you to watch your airspeed. --Anon.

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