ORH Featured in 11/4 Worcester Magazine

Worcester Magazine cover story for their November 4, 2004 issue features a top 10 list of things that need to be done to improve the viability of ORH. Several WAPA members were interviewed for the story. Overall it appears to be a very reasonable article and addresses head-on many of the challenges and issues facing ORH.

The Article top 10 list covers:

  1. Make it a priority, No, really.
  2. Nothings happening without that road.
  3. Shut up talking to the airlines and just do it.
  4. Seek an unusual carrier for an unusual city.
  5. It's our party and we're going to have to cater it. (revenue guarantees)
  6. Say it once, say it twice: Student Discounts
  7. It's got to be cheap, like Spag's (Ticket Prices)
  8. Debunk the myths
  9. Search for intelligent life on Goddard Drive (General aviation uses)
  10. Go to ground (alternative income opportunities)

Here is the archived article: http://www.worcestermag.com/archives/2004/11-04-04/index.shtml

Unfortunately the online version doesn't have the sidebar article describing the situation at New Haven Airport and the solution put together by the business and education communities. [This should be corrected soon]
Buttons . . . check. Dials . . . check. Switches . . . check. Little colored lights . . . check. --'Cavin and Hobbes'

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