How to submit a story to WAPA

ALERT! Note: This information is obsolete.

George writes "We have a new article online at the WAPA "Wiki" that shows how to submit news to the WAPA website. It is really easy, and does not require that you have a password or log into the WAPA web.

Here is the chance for you to be a reporter. Follow the simple step-by-step instructions at SubmitAStory and tell WAPA what is new at your local airport, what is your favorite fly-out destination,"

And Late Breaking News, the WAPA membership approved a quarterly drawing for a $25 dollar gift certificate for stories published on the WAPA Web. So follow the Simple Instructions and enter the drawing.
"Approach, what's our sequence?" | "Calling for the sequence I missed your callsign, but if I find out what it is, you're last." --ORD Tower

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