July / August 2005 Seminar Schedule

The July and August 2005 safety seminar schedules are out. Read them here!

Also, don't forget the July 7th seminar at ORH. Flying to Oshkosh.

For one week each year, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh has the highest concentration of aircraft in the world. Why would anyone place themselves in this environment without thorough preparation? This seminar will review planning and preparation procedures to ensure a safe journey to this world-class event.


The flight to OSH is a demanding but very rewarding trip. It can involve over-water flight, lakes reporting services, Canada overflight and border crossing procedures that have changed since 9/11, weight & balance, fuel planning, enroute weather avoidance and many other skills that may get rusty over time. In addition to the planning aspects, one of the Oshkosh tower controllers will be helping with the presentations and there will be some audio recordings of some unusual happenings. So even if you are not planning on flying to OSH, it should still prove to be an interesting seminar.

"Put your compass on 'E' and get out of my airspace." --ORD Tower

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