One more round of voting on the Aircraft Sales Tax

George Clark writes: … Please contact your Senators ASAP and share your opinion. Attached are an updated contact list and a brochure from the Mass Airport Managers Association on the topic. Did you know…

  • $641 in per-capita revenue is brought to Massachusetts by GA.
  • Our 4 neighboring states, VT, NH, CT and RI all have exemptions.
  • Flying a few extra miles to avoid a 5% tax on a $10,000 avionics upgrade or engine overhaul will quickly drain revenue and business from MA airports.

to see some responses received by WAPA members.

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Response from Sen. Augustus

Dear Mr. Clark,

Thank you very much for contacting me concerning airplane sales tax exemptions in the Commonwealth. I appreciate hearing from you and I welcome the opportunity to respond.

I strongly believe the Commonwealth must rely on funding solutions based here in the Commonwealth, while leveraging federal funds wherever possible so as not to further burden Massachusetts taxpayers. As you know, since 2002, sales of aircraft, aircraft parts and aircraft storage have all been free of Massachusetts sales tax. This has given the aircraft industry a boost in the Commonwealth, and more aviators are using Massachusetts airfields for storage and repairs.

Small airports, especially in Central Massachusetts, provide residents with recreation opportunities and help fill town coffers with general aviation revenues. We must use the right amount of state funds in the right places to keep our airports competitive with other regional and international airports, and one way to do that is by keeping the sales tax exemption on sales of aircraft and aircraft parts here in the Commonwealth. You may be interested to know that my colleagues in the House of Representatives deleted the repeal of the airplane sales tax exemption from their tax bill, H. 4645. I will be sure to keep your views in mind as my Senate colleagues and I debate the Senate's companion version of the corporate tax bill, keeping our shared support for a robust general aviation industry in Massachusetts very much in mind.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact my office. If I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact my office at 617-722-1485. It is an honor and privilege to serve as your voice on Beacon Hill.


Edward M. Augustus Jr. State Senator

Response from George Peterson, Minority Leader in the House

Dear David,

Thank you for writing me on this. The new bill that is being reported out of the Committee on Ways & Means today [April 10] doesn't include the aviation tax. Hopefully there will not be an amendment added to this, but if so, I would fight it.




Sen. Augustus in his response to an email from me on this topic assured me that he was opposed to repealing the sales tax exemption because he understands the negative impact that would be felt by GA in the state if the exemption were repealed. He indicated that he would work to ensure that the final bill does not include repeal of the exemption.

-- DavidLibbey - 13 May 2008

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-- GeorgeClark - 01 May 2008
MaCleod, since you've flown the SeaBee a lot you'll understand when I say it was the only airplane I ever owned that you could put in a dive, loose a cylinder and stall out! --Ernest K. Gann

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